Sunday, May 3, 2009

A sketch, I believe...

Well, I tried. It was day two of Every Day in May yesterday and I promise that I sketched on that day. I just couldn't post as my scanner didn't want to work with MY laptop. So today, I asked if it would very kindly work with Mr's laptop. And it obliged.

So, here is an attempt at pen and watercolour. I should be embarrassed but I figure I've given birth and besides, there really are far too many serious issues in the world to be concerned with. So, I've decided to be brave. I would LOVE to be brilliant at sketching - particularly architecture. And I'd LOVE to learn how to 'do' watercolour well. All in good time. For now, this will do.


  1. I LOVE it. Don't apologise. It's terrific. More. More. Clever clever girl.

  2. I love it too, very clever. Looks just how I remember it, (without the G and T's. ) Now you are going to have to produce more, can't wait to see your next one.
