Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fingers crossed...

...and toes, and legs and eyes. Ouch that hurts!

Why fingers crossed? Well a lovely lady, let's call her Melissa - because that's her name - at all buttoned up is giving away a copy of Button It Up. And I'd love a copy. So I commented and asked, please pick me. No I didn't. I practically begged. You know when you just want something so badly and you feel soooo deprived because you are in the middle of nowhere. Literally. And you miss being able to just pop down the road to a civilised well provided book store and pick up the latest and the greatest. Well, that's where I'm at. I'm desperate girls and I really would love it if you could all just keep everything crossed. So this longing to not feel deprived gal can get a copy of this inspiring button book and the buttons that Melissa is giving away. Pick me. Pick me.

Friday, March 27, 2009


...did someone find me? I refer to Jill. A young lady who wrote a comment on one of my posts and totally blew me away. I really didn't think anyone - other than those I implore to visit my blog - would ever, ever find me. I thank Jill for her comment, which may seem a little trite to those used to receiving kudos and comments galore. But there you have it. I'm very British in that way.

...long does the feeling of elation last when someone comments nicely on your blog?

...will I cope when someone says something not so nice. Oh scrap that. Who cares!

Here are some flowers from Paris to say thank you to Jill. Who doesn't know me from a bar of soap!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


...does one do when something doesn't quite work out as planned?

a. cry
b. stomp your feet
c. complain
d. go home, make a nice cuppa and do the thing you went to do in the first place.

I was quite excited this morning at the prospect of meeting with a group of avid knitters in my new home country. Rather than throw myself together at the last minute - which I'm apt to do. I organised myself. Packed a hand woven basket with a knitting and crochet project - because I also can't decide what I want to do so I need choices. Popped a couple of my favourite craft books to share at 'show and tell' and jumped in the beast. Traffic can be a pain here and today was no exception but I was patient. Parking wasn't a problem today. There was a spot with my name on it outside the organic cafe where this lively group meets. Looking like an older and not very red version of Little Red Riding Hood, I swung open the door of the cafe to empty!

Back to the car. Less patience in the traffic returning home. Pop on the kettle. Prepare some left overs. One small cake for disappointment and Fred the voodoo doll for frustration.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


One of the cities I love to visit, more than any other, is Paris. Aaah. Very recently I took a trip to this great city in celebration of a very big birthday I was having (I also like to think of my trip as a sanity break). Now, some will complain that Paris is an overrated, dirty, crazy, expensive city full of Parisians...and I would say...yes, but what is wrong with that?

Did I fail to notice dog excrement and human throat deposits on the ground? No, I have to admit, I did not. I simply chose not to allow it to ruin my other visual discoveries and experience. I adore the splendour of the architecture and spent most of my time with my head craned high to see the beautiful wrought iron and stonework of the buildings. This can be a little hazardous, as you might imagine, with all the deposits on the ground! So I did try to be mindful of looking down occasionally. I like to imagine that when Paris was being developed, a decree was issued for the artisans to create the most visually delicious city. One that would stimulate the appetite of onlookers for centuries to come. I can honestly say that I barely hungered for real food as my senses were both stimulated and satisfied by feasting on the city - perfect for saving money on costly food (this probably accounted for a little weight loss also).

I love walking in cities. Walk and walk and walk. One can never have enough of it. With each step there is a new discovery. Turn down a tiny street and quite unexpectedly it opens to a square with a giant sculpture. Oh, and look over's The Louvre. Let's just walk through there on the way to our next destination. I've seen it all before but never twice from the same perspective. Each time I visit, I am at a new stage in my life, and so each experience is different to the last. And each time I leave, I find Paris has changed me in some way. Perhaps this is one reason that I never tire of spending time in that dirty, crazy city that's full of Parisians!