Thursday, February 26, 2009


... I was very young and very ambitious and didn't believe that I couldn't do anything I wanted to do...I believed that by the time I was 40 I would be famous and a sillionaire!
... I was only seven years old, I believed my success and fortune would come from being a world famous spy who was handsomely rewarded by HM Government for the goodly and brave deeds I carried out on behalf of my country. Pehaps I'd watched too many James Bond movies and I had a gender identity crisis. I never wanted to be the beautiful girl in the bikini. Not that I didn't want to be beautiful but more so, I wanted to be the person in charge, the one rappelling from a helicopter and singlehandedly averting the impending crisis. Now, I may never have achieved that particular childhood dream but I think some how all mothers are action heroes who at some point are brave, daring, strong, decisive, quick thinking, fast running, deadly and able to don a cocktail outfit by 5pm! Yes, 007 is alive and well in my mind and in my life and I like to call her Boogirl.

1 comment:

  1. Stand proud Boogirl. What would be the point without a vivid imagination and an optimistic heart.
