Friday, April 3, 2009

give us this day...

our daily artisan bread.

In the beginning was a gooey bowl of no-knead dough.

Safely stashed in the fridge for moments of need.

Which occurs daily.

Carefully, with flour aplenty, pulled from it's receptacle.

To be shaped, allowed to rise and placed into a pre-heated vessel for baking.

and then came the aroma...

not just the aroma but the insatiable desire...

to satisfy the palate and nurture the soul.

Warm, buttery toast with a spread of blueberries.

Oh yum. Oh heaven.

All credit to Zoe and Jeff, the authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. You have created something that even a lazy cook like me can take pleasure in.


  1. Gimme more TEACOSY. She is beautiful and deserves centre stage.

  2. Oh yeah baby ... the smell of baking bread. Like coffee, the taste of bread can never - albeit delicious - live up to the sensational aroma ......
    (Maybe yours can????!!!!)
