Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why... now, six months after moving from my beloved Australia? Well, for starters, I'm bored. Not bored because I have nothing to do, or because I lack interest in many subjects. Simply bored with the tedious and painful experience of this new life in a new country of residence.'s about time I placed my fingers on the keyboard instead of in my hair, pulling it out!
I hope to begin my new life again, this time with joy and freedom of expression.

... when I finally decide to be brave and put the fingers on the keyboard, can I only think of whinging and whining as my first post? I think you would even need to know that? I addicted to crunching and chomping on crushed ice? so many of my friends and family have a birthday in March? I have a terrible memory for the dates of birthdays?

...haven't I sorted my art room yet - most people would kill to have a whole room with running water dedicated to their art! I love food but loathe the process of cooking?

I don't think all these questions are rhetorical...any thoughts and ideas will be gratefully received.


  1. Why...thank you Grand Purl Baa. You are much too kind, but the encouragement is gratefully received.

  2. I just randomly came across your blog and I think you're pretty cool!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!! Thanks for posting, I like it!

  3. Why thank you Jill! I didn't think anyone would ever find me. Perhaps you had googled "really bad blogs" and mine came up top of the list ;)
    Please stop by again some time.
